Viviane Baladi
(Livia Kürsteiner © 2023)
Dynamical determinants and dynamical zeta functions for hyperbolic maps, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics, Springer (2018)
Positive Transfer Operators and Decay of Correlations,
Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics,
World Scientific (2000)
No research on a dead planet
Weekly average atmospheric CO2 reading from
Mauna Loa, Hawaii (part per million).
February 3, 2025: 426.3 ppm
10 years increase: 25.9
Pre-industrial base: 280. Safe level: 350
Keeling curves:
A longer term history.
A much longer term history.